Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Social Media as a tool for Surveillance and gaze How do people consume Essay

Online life as an instrument for Surveillance and look How individuals expend and observe each other on SM stages and what are the outcomes of such exercises - Essay Example Consequently given the extraordinary member figures, projects, for example, MySpace and Twitter speak to key focuses for security faculty looking for wrongdoing related knowledge (Andrejivic 2005, pp.479-497). Nonetheless, for the general population, the chance of getting to urban administrations and assets creatively fills in as a support of the SNS and the aggregate reconnaissance motivations. In addition, the dynamic progression of online life has progressively filled in as a premise of human strengthening in different manners. The Internet completely improves inclusion in political exercises, licenses people to cost-adequately share their belief systems, just as to in a flash, store information. Internet based life can be named as enabling as opposed to the abuse of web conferencing, TV appears, and mobile phones by its shoppers. Basing on this recognition, changing the user’s obligation from latent to dynamic; observation makes possibilities for correspondence and looking for data as verified by Albrechtslund (2008, pp.1-1). Moreover, the Central Intelligent Agency (CIA) regularly depends on the SNS to offer reconnaissance administrations given its center and intuitive potential. Studies additionally demonstrate that a great many people regularly depend on the web based life to make new companions. As detailed by Andrejivic (2005, pp.479-497), participatory observation has the possibility to go about as an apparatus for checking friendship by investigating the information shared by various clients on the web. Internet based life additionally involves trading individual subtleties with others. Subsequently, sharing should not to be disdained, since the private information that individual’s share uncovers a phase of correspondence that doesn't prevalently require

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Business Model Innovation and Business Radical Innovation

Question: Examine about the Business Model Innovation and Business Radical Innovation. Answer: Presentation The report of business arranging is based gathering of inn networks who have chosen to converge with their business with different lodgings to battle the weight of market in regards to the low estimated inns. The arrangement of the new chain is begun as remain together for having a large number of lodgings from each classification around the globe. It is related with fighting the offer of inns through different mainstream sites like hotels.com booking.com and so forth. In any case, promoting to this well known sites is causing a decreased of the benefit that the inns game and along these lines it is depleting out the corporate brand picture of the mainstream inns. They concluded that appointments will be made on a solitary site just with the assistance of various cell phone applications and the costs that will be fixed and kept the equivalent with the pinnacle valuing circumstance of the time. The business report is setting light on the client steadfastness plan of remain together. The setup of the kitchen and eating framework with complimentary breakfast and smorgasbord lunch is likewise a piece of this report. Refunds, limits and credits for the clients are appealing bundles. Remembering the hugeness of Corporate Social Responsibility, the lodging network framework remains together spotlights on giving cause from their earned benefit. The most significant thing in this business is the data innovation and the data arrangement of the organization. This innovation is required by the lodging network framework in light of the fact that the organization has a few inns under them and they need to control all the chains and all the inns which are not a simple employment for the organization. All things considered, they structure the key collusion by which they can control the business. The significant things go under the key coalition is the Information Technology and the data framework. These two things are most significant on the grounds that the data framework is gathering or taking care of the information or the data of the business by which the organization is getting the updates (Buhalis Law, 2008). The data innovation is the innovation which is controlling the data or the information of the organization. The innovations are, for example, the web, sites and the application. By the assistance of these, the organization isn't just getting the advantages of getting the updates of their own business yet additionally the clients are getting benefits by getting the detail data of the organization. By those applications, they can check the accessibility of the administration or the rooms of the inns. This framework is made by the organization in light of the fact that already the organizations use to take the assistance of the other online site to advance their business or for internet booking however by the framework, they are confronting misfortunes since they need to take care of slice cash to the site organization and that is harming the edge of the organization. So they choose to shape an individual site by which they can advance their own business (Chan, 2011). Unwaveringness plot It is important for the organization to hold their clients and furthermore to increase long haul clients for their business. All things considered, the case ought to get happy with the item or the administration of the organization. Then again, the correspondence arrangement of the organization ought to be changed in light of the fact that correspondence is the most significant piece of any business. With the assistance of the correspondence framework, the organization use to make the business channel. The client of the organization consistently investigates the conduct of the staffs towards the client. In the event that the conduct or the introduction is great, at that point it will get simpler for the organization to pick up the client and to keep up the client appropriately. On the off chance that the client is fulfilled and they adhere to the organization for the long time that is known as the faithfulness of the client. Presently the dedication isn't a thing that the whole clien t or the individuals will confide in any organizations aimlessly. For working up the trust, the organization needs hard on their administration and the item by which they can fulfill the client (Faulkner, 2001). The organization needs to construct a picture among the client by their administration and the item with the goal that the outlook up of the client will get fixed towards the current organization. As the day will advance, the organization needs to enhance with new sorts of item and furthermore to make new procedures. The advancement of the items will make the desire level of the client high by which they will hang tight for the item till it dispatches. Then again, the organization needs to grow new sort of techniques and thoughts in all sort of divisions. From the start, the organization needs to fabricate the arrangement with respect to the item and its assembling (Goffman, 2009). The organization must make a decent arrangement with respect to the item, the organization should consider the focal points and the inconveniences of the item before making. Then again, the organization need to consider the recently result of the item. In the wake of assembling of the item, the organization use to consider the advancement, commercial and promoting of the item. The showcasing plan is the imperative arrangement on the grounds that the organization needs to go think new ideas and method of promoting by which the clients will get pulled in to the item. Subsequent to advertising the organization needs to consider the cost of the item, the organization needs to set the cost of the item in least and furthermore in a sensible so it can get reasonable to all sort of client. After the starting of the item, the client ought to become fulfills with the item. These all realities will lead a client to get faithful towards the organization (Hoque, 2013). Free smorgasbord breakfast and supper There are a few organizations which are creating themselves and going for new showcasing methodologies by which they are drawing in the clients. Presently the organizations need to face the challenge during the creation and executing the showcasing plan of the organization. Be that as it may, here the base and subject of the business are inn network business then they need to make insightful procedures during the hour of their advancement and deals (Kimes, 2011). In todays world individuals are reserving lodgings and resorts by the whelp of the online locales or the application since it is giving them more access to the spot and furthermore guaranteeing their appointments, however with the assistance of these applications or destinations, the inns are losing their net revenues. They need to pay a slice of the cash to the online sites. Alongside that, there are others gives that will be that the site isn't just advancing a specific inn yet in addition advancing a few lodgings in same locales. This is the thing that the specific inn is confronting troubles to advance their business. For these specific reasons, the inns are making their sites and application by which the client can without much of a stretch access to their subtleties and can undoubtedly book their lodgings by their sites and application. The little inn's network business face troubles to spread their business for that they use to decide to cause their sites and applications by w hich they to can advance themselves. Then again, they advance their business by the assistance of the web based life applications where they can associate a great deal of people groups (Mok, Sparks Kadampully, 2013). At the point when the organization is making showcasing methodologies that time the lodgings use to set some appealing offers. At the point when a little inn business is opened that they can advance their business or give additional advantages to the client is equivalent to advancement. The lodgings use to give complimentary free smorgasbord breakfast and the supper for which they won't charge a solitary penny from the client with respect to the food. This is an extraordinary methodology by the lodgings to advance their business in the progressing trip. This is the new the cutting edge ideas. They use to take this kind of system since it isn't feasible for all lodgings to put away gigantic cash on publicizing so they can make new ideas which will turn out to be progressively productive to the clients. This kind of techniques and administration use to make a decent connection with the clients, and the clients become faithful to the organization for its administration. This changes the brief client to the perpetual client (Molina-Azorn et al. 2015). Giving refunds to the clients is a fundamental choice of the administration where they are endeavoring to encourage the consumer loyalty's and reliability. On reserving for rooms and related administrations, the organization gives exceptional limits to the clients on various plans and plans. After the markdown, the sum which is to be paid by the client is the refunded sum. The chain of 10 lodgings or remain together arrangement has come up to this choice to return their market weight and beat up little Hotel facilities. It is a lot of essential to esteem the clients and offer vital types of assistance to pick up client steadfastness. When the clients are happy with the administration just as the value procedure, it is very evident that they will settle on a similar assistance over and over (Noone, McGuire Rohlfs, 2011). Cost is the most significant issue that impacts the money related state of the client. In the event that the client is happy to book a lodging, or plans to go for the recreational period, it might happen that his money related interests and not permitting him to think on it once more. Along these lines, keeping every single such genius and cons in see, the administration chooses to encourage the clients with unique offers and limits. These systems advantage the organization as well as trigger the clients' longing in a practical manner. For instance, it very well may be expected that to draw in the white collar class clients it is important to bargain with the costs of lodgings and integral administrations. All through the excursions and the pinnacle seasons, it is legitimate that the costs of lodgings are reasonable enough to pay. Be that as it may, in the event that we talk about of seasons, the chain of inns and their administration needs to detail a few systems to pull in clients in the offseason too (

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Research Topics For Term Paper

<h1>Research Topics For Term Paper</h1><p>For apprentices to the field of online training, it is critical to build up a decent research abilities before they begin composing their research papers. Inquiring about is a basic piece of composing a research project since you have to get some answers concerning the subject, assess it, and discover how to make it fit into your paper. Most understudies who are confounded on the best way to do explore first invest energy inquiring about the subject of their paper, yet they will never get any utilization out of their examination since they just took in the words and not how to go about it.</p><p></p><p>The initial phase in growing great research procedures is to build up an away from of activity. You can accumulate data from an examination library or visit the Internet to discover data on the subject of your research project. Ensure you examine every component of the subject of your research project w ith the goal that you can completely get it. Each examination ought to be named with explicit information focuses, for example, number of hits, clarity of a specific section, and the quantity of references.</p><p></p><p>The subsequent stage is to lead a definite inquiry of different web indexes. A few instances of web search tools incorporate Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, and Ask Jeeves. At the point when you do this you have to record all the important catchphrases with the goal that you can inquire about further utilizing these watchwords. After this progression you need to check if the catchphrases are referenced in the body of the article and you should have an away from of which watchwords you need to research.</p><p></p><p>Once you have discovered the correct wellspring of watchwords, you have to choose those watchwords to explore in your examination papers. To do this you have to record all the terms and check on the off chance that they show up in the subject sentence of the article or not. When composing your exploration papers you have to consider that your examination might be identified with a related theme. At the point when this occurs, you ought to ask yourself whether the examination is advantageous or not.</p><p></p><p>You can likewise utilize reference indices, catchphrase thickness, and written falsification discovery strategies to pick up knowledge on which watchwords are acceptable and which are most certainly not. Word following apparatuses are valuable instruments that assist you with following the utilization of every catchphrase in your examination papers. They can be purchased at various value ranges relying upon the measure of data you need to track.</p><p></p><p>When composing the examination papers you have to consider the subject of the paper and the tone of the asset box. It is suggested that you don't utilize an excessive number of watchw ords in the asset box since this will make your research paper longer and harder to peruse. The exploration themes for research project can likewise be utilized as inquiries in quizzes.</p><p></p><p>The last research points for research paper can be characterized as questions identified with the subject of the research project. This kind of research relies a great deal upon the distinctive data you give in your examination papers. On the off chance that you are not extremely positive about your exploration, at that point you can likewise allude to books and magazines.</p><p></p><p>Research themes for research project ought to be extraordinary and dependent on your specific subject. Composing is something other than utilizing realities; it is tied in with composing a subject that bodes well and has an effect. At the point when you compose a paper that individuals will be keen on, you will get brings about terms of scholarly performance. </p>

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Example and Illustration Essay Topics - How to Prepare For Example and Illustration Essay Topics

<h1>Example and Illustration Essay Topics - How to Prepare For Example and Illustration Essay Topics</h1><p>You might need to get ready for your model and outline exposition subject by going on the web. Numerous businesses will look over their online applications to figure out your composing style. They may offer you the chance to compose a framework for your model and representation essay.</p><p></p><p>Example and outline expositions are exceptionally troublesome. It requires the capacity to interface thoughts adequately, yet simultaneously clarify the central matter in your paper. There are numerous techniques for getting ready for instance and delineation article points, yet there are just a not many that are free.</p><p></p><p>Writing a blueprint for instance and outline paper subjects can help your odds of being recruited. At the point when you compose a blueprint for instance and outline exposition themes, you wi ll get a feeling of how you should structure your paper. This will spare you a ton of time.</p><p></p><p>You may even set aside yourself some cash by utilizing this blueprint. More often than not, it will expect you to turn in as much work as possible inside the predetermined length. In the event that you have to compose more work, at that point the diagram makes it simpler for you to do as such. That way, when the opportunity arrives for you to begin composing, you won't need to turn in whatever else that is needed.</p><p></p><p>On the other hand, it is likewise conceivable to compose your own blueprint. Since you are an understudy, this will be simple for you. The main time you may need to include data is on the off chance that you realize that you have a thought that you can utilize later. That way, you don't burn through your time composing something that you will never use.</p><p></p><p>You ought to have so me thought of what kind of keeping in touch with you need to do before you compose your blueprint. Consider the sorts of models and representations that you need to utilize. The diagram will help youto make sense of which ones you have to add to your paper.</p><p></p><p>Writing a layout for instance and delineation article subjects is useful in light of the fact that it will make the procedure simpler for you. It will assist you with sorting out your contemplations into a coherent grouping. It will likewise assist you with improving feel for the sorts of thinking of you have to do. Utilizing a framework, you won't sit around composing superfluous material.</p><p></p><p>You should utilize this layout for instance and representation article points. You will have the option to show signs of improvement comprehension of what you have to expound on. The diagram will likewise permit you to concentrate on the significant focuses in your paper . Thus, this will expand your odds of being hired.</p>

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Customer Development Case Studies

Customer Development Case Studies © Shutterstock.com | Max GriboedovReading about the Customer Development model is all well and good. Blank’s book is full of valuable case studies that illustrate his points well. However, it is just as helpful to learn about how some of today’s most successful startups have employed the Customer Development model successfully. In this article, you will learn how two of today’s most successful startups used customer development Dropbox and Groove.CUSTOMER DEVELOPMENT MODEL AT DROPBOXWhat is Dropbox?Dropbox is a file hosting service based in Silicon Valley. It offers both commercial and personal cloud storage of all sizes. Founded in 2007, Dropbox entered a very crowded market around the time that the cloud was beginning to explode. Unlike its competitors, Dropbox managed to capture huge swaths of the market and the service grew from 100,000 users to several million users in just 18 months. While this sounds like the typical tech explosion story, the difference between Dropbox and other companies is that Dropbox did this without doing any advertising.Dropbox uses the freemium model to draw in customers. It offers basic customers 2 GB of free online storage space and allows them to scale up to the paid service as needed. As of June 2015, Dropbox had captured 400 million registered users.The Problem at DropboxAt first, the Dropbox story sounds like a typical Silicon Valley fairytale. Founded by a couple of engineering students from MIT, it was accepted into the prestigious Y Combinator seed accelerator and saw rapid growth.It is true that Dropbox was growing. However, there were serious problems. The team at Dropbox had engineering experience but almost no marketing experience to speak of. The team was taking the advice of investors and mentors and using traditional marketing methods. Yet, these traditional marketing methods were not what was causing the company to grow. Essentially, Dropbox was throwing money away on marketing channels that were not drivi ng customers while still seeing a growth that was unexplained. Growth of any kind was good but it is hard to perpetuate that growth when it is unclear where the growth was coming from.The founders at Dropbox discovered Steve Blank’s Four Steps to the Epiphany as they were dealing with this problem. They then tried to use Blank’s method to learn more about their problem and attempt to come up with a solution.Four steps of the Customer Development model at Dropbox1. Customer Discovery at DropboxAs previously noted, Dropbox’s biggest problem upon launch was that they were trying to apply traditional marketing techniques to their business. However, they were not having any success with these techniques. Investors and friends were telling them that these were the tried and true methods for any business. They were under the impression that they should be launching early and launching often. These launches were supposed to provide a perfect product with all the right features. If the y could do this, then traditional advertising would work.What Dropbox learned was that it was more important to launch when they were ready rather than as early as possible. When they entered Y Combinator, the founders of Dropbox promised to have a fully functional product available for launch in only eight weeks. In reality, launch did not come for 18 months. While traditional wisdom would suggest that this would be the end of the business, Dropbox figured out that all of the learning and discovery that they did during those 18 months would be more important than getting a product out to the public. They needed to have a better idea of who their market was.What Dropbox realized it had to do was go back to finding their customers. To do this, they began to work closely with the customers that Steve Blank would call “early adopters.” They worked to put code together to send out to keen engineers â€" people just like them. The code they sent out was far from the finished product. However, this basic presentation of the product allowed Dropbox to confirm that the problem that it was attempting to solve was very real for its customers. Through the feedback it got from early adopters, Dropbox realized it was on its way to a real solution.One of the biggest lessons that Dropbox learned during this stage was that they could not just head to the forums where its audience spent its time. They also had to communicate with these customers in an authentic way if they wanted to get real feedback.2. Customer validation at DropboxDropbox had already come to the conclusion that they needed to learn early. They also quickly understood that learning was not a one-time event. They understood that if they really wanted to understand their customers, they needed to learn early and learn often.They created a private beta launch video for their early adopters. Because they knew where their customers were and how to speak to them, the video resulted in a waiting list that grew to 75,000 people in only a single day.Part of the reason that Dropbox was so successful during customer validation is because they used the product themselves. They knew that they had a problem and needed a solution. This does not always translate into a successful product. However, because the team at Dropbox were early adopters themselves, they knew where the other early adopters could be found. As a result, Dropbox decided to get out of the office and when they did, they knew where they could go to validate their assumptions.To get out of the office, Dropbox created a snapshot of their product. This was their minimum viable product. It showed the inherent value of the full product but did not include all of the bells and whistles yet. They sent this minimum viable product out to Hacker News, where their early adopters lived. The feedback they got was of very high quality. More importantly, the feedback they got validated their learning.Lessons LearnedDuring this time, the company b egan to see real pressure from investors to use more traditional methods. Reading Blank’s book, the company knew ostensibly that these methods would not work for everyone. However, the pressure that the young company faced was real and so they tried these methods anyway. Using these methods taught them an important lesson: they needed to keep their focus on what worked for their company and their market if they wanted to be successful.They also learned that the right market fit would cure them of several ills. In this sense, Dropbox were fortunate because since they were engineers, they knew how to create a great product that other engineers, early adopters, would use. Because they discovered the right market and had a great product, users grew. This was despite the fact that Dropbox had a poor website and was virtually invisible in the PR world. At this point, Dropbox also did not have any partnerships, extensive features or even good market positioning.All of these things make u p conventional marketing techniques. For Dropbox, they either did not have these techniques or these tactics had failed. Yet, the product was still getting to customers. The typical Dropbox customer journey looked like this:Customers would hear about Dropbox from a friend, not knowing that they needed this product.The customer would try it and realize that Dropbox solved a real problem that they weren’t acutely aware that they had.Thrilled about this discovery, these customers would spread the word to their friends about this happy surprise.Dropbox would come to learn that the techniques it was using were trying to harvest demand rather than drive demand. This was the difference between the steady growth it was seeing and the explosive growth that it would be capable of later. When it came time for customer creation, Dropbox would take the current customer journey and really begin to employ it effectively.3. Customer Creation at DropboxDropbox had its early adopters excited about its product. To stick to the Customer Development model, the company would have to begin to create its mainstream customer base. To get started, Dropbox created a landing page that was designed to capture interest before the official release of the product.This landing page was important because it gave a place for its current customers to refer their friends. Rather than driving demand through the mainstream media, Dropbox pivoted and found a way to facilitate these referrals by creating a solid landing page.Lessons learnedDropbox tried the cookie cutter approach. It failed miserably. It tried using paid searches. Its affiliate programs and display ads also failed. Dropbox also tried hiding the freemium option but realized that this did not always work successfully but more importantly, that it just was not cool. It did not build up trust with customers.All of this paid advertising failed but not because Dropbox was not acquiring customers. It failed because the cost per acquisitio n was needlessly driven up to $233- $388 for a product that only cost $99. The paid advertising was not drawing in customers but it was still costing them a lot of money. This balance was both unfavorable and unsustainable over the long term.What was working, however, was the word of mouth experiments. Not only was the referral system a lot cheaper than traditional marketing but it was also underdeveloped at the time. When Dropbox realized that the traditional methods were not working, it worked on giving its current users the tools they needed to help grow the business.4. Company Building at DropboxThis word of mouth referral program became Dropbox’s main marketing strategy. The program that Dropbox created offered a double sided incentive to give the current user incentive to share and encourage sign ups while also rewarded new users. The program started by offering both users an extra 250 MB of space for free.To make sure that this was the best way forward, Dropbox started to f ocus on data analysis and marketing. They hired someone with a data background to perform split tests to determine the best landing page optimizations, encourage sharing and analyze surveys. This investment in the analytics was a part of the “learn early, learn often” strategy that Dropbox had previously adopted.With all of these tools, Dropbox grew their user base from 100,000 users to four million users almost entirely through viral sharing and their word of mouth programs.The TakeawayDropbox learned two big lessons that contradicted the traditional wisdom that they were receiving from other sources. The first big lesson was to get something into the customer’s hands as soon as possible. Don’t worry about having a lot of features or making the product perfect. Putting a minimum viable product in the customers’ hands will ideally provide the feedback you need to propel the product forward in a viable way that is useful to customers.The second lesson was one of the biggest focuses of Blank’s book. Dropbox learned that it is important to create a strategy that reflects your market. Even if more “experienced” people question that strategy, stick to what you know about your customers and your market and give them what they want.CUSTOMER DISCOVERY VALIDATION AT GROOVEWho is Groove?Groove creates online help desk software for enterprises and small businesses. For customers, Groove’s software looks like an ordinary email service but offers features that allow it to be integrated with social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Groove decided to move away from the freemium model and now offers all of its features for $15 per user per month.The Problem at GrooveIn its early days, Groove was earning customers but it was unable to hold on to them. The CEO realized that the churn rate was hanging out around 3% and that was not something he could live with because it did not fit the company’s goals. The problem for Groove was not the churn rate itself but the fact that no one was sure why the churn rate was as high as it was.Four steps of the Customer Development model at Groove1. Customer Discovery at GrooveTo get to the bottom of its growing churn rate, Groove started by talking to customers. Groove’s CEO makes it clear that one of his biggest priorities has been to learn more about his customers. He goes through major efforts to collect client feedback in order to really learn about his product.To begin to approach the problem of the churn rate, Groove relied on exhaustive feedback to make sure the product was viable for the market. This feedback initially came from feedback surveys and onboarding emails sent out to new clients. However, this feedback was not enough to fix the problem.Unsure of what to do about this churn rate, Groove decided to dig into its metrics to see what was going wrong.2. Customer Validation at GrooveGroove’s CEO decided to get in touch with his customers. He started an email campaign that a sked individual for in-depth one-on-one conversations that would provide real feedback. At the time, Groove had around 2,000 customers and a lot of them had something to say about Groove’s model, business, product or customer service. The response to the initial campaign was overwhelming.Groove then set up an online calendar that allowed people to sign up for a phone call with the CEO. These calls were scheduled to be 10 minutes long and took place over phone or Skype. In addition to reaching out to customers, Groove was able to salvage relationships, forge new bonds and really validate the issues that laid behind Groove’s churn rate.Lessons learnedWhat Groove learned in the customer validation phase is that a business does not need to invest in exhaustive testing or expensive tools to get to know its customers. All you need to do is get out of the office and go to where your customers are with your hat in hand.They also learned that they would not get useful feedback by sending out surveys or asking leading questions. Instead, they structured the conversation based on the individual issues that each customer had. Rather than going into a call with a set of expectations, they went in to learn about the customer’s problems and validate what they thought they knew about that customer.As a result of 100 hours of phone calls with customers, Groove learned:It needed better second-tier onboarding.How to convert unhappy customers back into happy customersMore about the personalities that make up its customer baseHow to improve marketing copyTo make customer learning a habit by learning early and learning often3. Customer Creation at GrooveDuring this time, Groove was embarking on a mission to grow its customer base from 2,000 customers to 5,000 paying customers. The timeframe for this goal was 12 months. Until this point, the company was more focused on retaining current customers and putting out fires than on really growing its customer base.Over the first two years of its life, Groove found a great market fit and gathered a group of early adopters who loved the product. The foundation was already there â€" it was learned and validated several times over.To grow, Groove decided to focus on three big issues:1. Groove wanted to become the product leader in the SMB Market.The global SMB market contained 76 million players worldwide. Research validated that customers who were using other customer support software products hated the service they were getting. With a great product designed specifically for these customers, there was no reason that Groove could not grow to grab 5,000 of these customers.2. Groove needed to work on building a respectable and lasting brand.Groove knew it had a great product but a product is not enough. It needed to use its brand to drive interest from the right customer group.  To reach this customer group, Groove created the 100K blog where it documented its journey as a startup.3. Groove needed to be more focuse d on using data.Groove wanted to put a real focus on actionable data that would help them know what to expect when they made business decisions. Rather than hoping for luck, data analysis and collection could fuel growth systematically and help them achieve their 12-month goal.In order to focus on these issues, Groove had to scale its company. It could not make these transitions with its existing teams and processes. Thus, Groove moved into the company building phase to create an infrastructure that could support this attainable growth.4. Company Building at GrooveGroove needed to create a company that was capable of both driving new customers and handling these customers to make sure that their churn rate stayed low. They knew that they had to start by building the right time. The company decided that hiring and keeping the right employees was important because it was important that everyone was working towards the same vision. Groove wanted all of its employees to be working and t hinking as if they were a startup CEO.Groove also knew that it need to begin to work at a faster pace. Previously, the company had been stuck putting out fires and focusing on past and present problems rather than thinking ahead towards the future. To make sure that this pace occurred, they decided to set both quarterly and monthly goals designed specifically to reach the ultimate 12-month goal of growing to 5,000 customers.They also realized that there was a lot of infrastructure debt and bugs that were holding the company back. To move past this, the company decided to reexamine its resources and realistically consider how those resources could be better used.All of this resulted in a serious game plan for customer development and business growth the plan was bound take the following avenues:Blogging was the most viable channel that Groove was using. It decided to continue to pursue this channel aggressively.Groove decided to use the blog to drive a real online community.The blog would also become a valuable tool for driving organic SEO.Groove needed to figure out how to build a better solution for driving and processing referrals.Groove needed to figure out how to better integrate with future partners.Groove needed to drive product development within realistic timelines.Groove had to find a better way to convert more leads and nurture them through the sales funnel.The TakeawayGroove took away a lot of lessons from Blank’s customer development model. Groove takes the “get out of the office” advice seriously and really commits to it personally rather than trying to automate the process through expensive means. Ultimately, Groove knows that it needs to ask its customers if it has any doubts. This also is one of the biggest takeaways for Blank’s work.Groove also learned that this learning and validation was essential for growing the company. It employed a lot of what it learned in customer discovery and customer validation when it decided to grow its cu stomer base and scale its business. When Groove decided to grow, it put together plan that was appropriate for its market. As Blank says in his book, market fit cures almost all ills.