Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay about PWC Corporate Social Responsibility - 1469 Words

There is a debate about the level of social responsibility of multinational and national companies there days. Various books have been written detailing the right approach to the problem covering different perspectives. The ideology is well developed, however, there is a lack of current case studies analyzing what is really happening in the corporate executive level to support the society. There are many mission statements written about social responsibility, however, it is essential to examine how companies approach the projects and how they educate their employees to involve them in their plans. Social responsibility can be determined different ways, just as goals can be set for different causes. There are various motivations behind†¦show more content†¦Since the start of the program, 597.000 young people were educated and over 115.000 volunteers were trained by the program. PWC also works together with the Communities in Schools Chicago charity, providing financial suppor t for maintaining and improving the program. Providing a healthy environment and surroundings, the Chicago Parkways Foundation has also received contributions from the company. The First Giving Junior Achievement website features three teammates from the company, who seek donors for different charities. The team has raised over 1.7 million dollars for the organization. The fact that teams start up and join different voluntary organizations and charities show that giving back is truly a company philosophy, and the words are backed up by acts. Another important aspect of PWCs charity and voluntary work is the resources they put into research. As one of the largest international consulting companies, they are concerned about the efficiency and availability of public services. A comprehensive report about charity care issue in the United States has been published by the company to provide recommendations to new strategies in order to make these organizations more effective. It is import ant that that company focuses on giving back to the society, and through their reputation they are able to become the voice of theShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Culture And The Passive Resistance986 Words   |  4 Pagesthem from its competitors. Much of the challenge involved the organizational culture and the passive resistance from some of the executives. A strategy needed to be implemented in an effort to make a difference in PwC and to ensure sustainability and increase corporate social responsibility. They recognized the importance of having the community share the same values and vision of the organization. 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Therefore as a self directed and self motivated person, Shaw kept himself engaged with the organization, and spent time on networking within the firm and making suggestions where he felt improvement were necessary. On the other hand, Amy Middelburg who works on three major areas, supporting the international partnership between PWC and AIESEC, supporting the UKRead MoreQuestions On Human Resource Management2878 Words   |  12 PagesThompson and Dunn both had hospitality industry background before joining ARISE; their perspective towards corporate development was based primarily on increasing revenue. Thompson and Dunn were also the designer and advocator of the All-Star Team plan. ARISE emphasized on health benefits of spa treatments. One of their most important differentiating strategies involved the policy of PWCs (personal wellness coaches; chart 1), who were asked to provide specialty treatments and maintain an ongoing

Monday, December 16, 2019

Blabla Free Essays

Background Sony Corporation is one of the best-known names in consumer electronics andranks second worldwide in electronics behind Matsushita Electric Corporation. Since itwas  established  shortly  after  World  War  II,  Sony  has  introduced  a  stream  of  revolutionary  products,  including  the  transistor  radio,  the  Trinitron  television,  theBetamax  VCR,  the  CD  player,  the  Walkman  portable  cassette  player,  and  thePlayStation game console. The company’s electronics segment–which includes audioand video products, televisions, personal computers, monitors, computer peripherals,telecommunications devices, and electronic components (such as semiconductors). We will write a custom essay sample on Blabla or any similar topic only for you Order Now When Dr. Toshi T. Doi took charge of the project to develop a new computer in 1984, herecruited  11  top-flight  engineers  to  form  the  team. Doi  established  three  basicguidelines for the development: †¢ (1) the computer should be 32 bit; †¢ (2) it should be multipurpose; and †¢ (3) the project should be completed as soon as possible. The engineers, however, decided that they wanted to design a machine (an engineeringworkstation)  that  would  help  them  in  their  own  engineering  work  rather  than  amultipurpose machine. Doi approved their plan, but  he required that it be  finished in sixmonths. SAPADAPA ANALYSIS:I. Situational  Analysis Dr. Toshi T. Doi was the general manager of Sony’s workstation division(WD) and was not keen on changing Sony’s product development process,which was efficient and successful. The WD’s workstation â€Å"NEWS† launchedin October 1986 at the Tokyo Data Show had generated over 1000 inquiries;they  recovered  investments  in  few  months  and  saw  a  double  in  salesannually. Its new product development (NPD) process for the 1550 series workstationhad three stages: basic architecture specification †¢ product design †¢ first lot production One side effect of Sony’s preoccupation with the video business was that itscomputer business. Although Sony had  some success in the  computer gamemarket, its first entrants in the computer market were 8-bit machines. TheSMC-70 and SMC-777 are 8-bit machines were introduced in 1982 and 1984,respectively, which failed quickly in competition with 16-bit MS-DOS systems(e. g. , the IBM  PC). Sony considered developing a  16-bit microcomputer but itsoon abandoned the idea. II. Problem Analysis The development required too much effort from hardware design engineers. Engineers in small teams were required to handle all issues from logic design tomanufacturability, requiring a breadth of knowledge, which many did not have. These engineers had to put-in 60 to 70 hours a week and much more during acrisis, rendering them overworked. With  all these extra  efforts put in,  the designswere still not optimized to be manufactured Man/Engineers ? Too  much  was  required  from  thehardware design engineers. Small teams were more efficient but they requiredthat each engineer be able to handle the completerange of  design  tasks, from  high-level architecturedown to minor details. Thus the engineer’s skills andknowledge had to be both broad and  deep. Method ? With the current procedure, the designswere not  optimized for  manufacturability. Because hardware design engineers were unfamiliarwith  all  of  the  manufacturing  concerns,  they  oftenmissed  simple  redesigns  that  could  makemanufacturing far more efficient. Inthe current process, it is very difficult to separatetechnology  into  neat  steps  and  for  this  reason  ittakes time  to  transfer technology. The workstationmarket is so competitive that there is no time to dothis transfer. SpecializationDesign engineering does ot have  enough expertiseto support manufacturing properly, especially as theproduct line and the number of development projectscontinue to growWorking  TimeHardware  engineers  typically  work  60-70  hours  aweek And even more during a  crises. SWOT ANALYSIS A. Strengths †¢ Recovered Investments an d doubled the  annual sales since the  launch of  Ã¢â‚¬Å"NEWS† †¢ Project Manager often a Senior Engineer  B. Weaknesses †¢ Small project teams †¢ Very limited design engineers †¢ Lack of traditional management tasks †¢ Marketing power is insufficientC. Opportunities †¢ Reorganization of engineers †¢ Hiring of Highly expertise/skilled design engineersD. Threats †¢ Marketing power of competitors during this time IV. Potential Problem Analysis †¢ Additional cost in hiring highly expertise or skilled design engineers. †¢ Possible loss of market if  other competitors will  win the competition duringthat time when the marketing power is still insufficient. †¢ Small project teams that may require them to add manpower and its costs. †¢ Engineers will continue to work too much time that could result to burn-out. †¢ Possible decrease in the annual sales of the Sony Company. †¢ Loss of precisions in the product lines if the needed expertise will not How to cite Blabla, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Develop and Emotional Intelligence Challenges

Question: Discuss about the Develop and Emotional Intelligence Challenges. Answer: Introduction The business owners encounter the potential challenges of keeping the employees engaged and motivated within the organization. This particular discourse will discuss the process of performance improvement of Pat with the help of emotional intelligence. The particular individual plays the role the new General Operations Manager of Australian Hardware in the Wollongong, NSW. This individual has found a serious performance issue with Pat, who can be considered as a star employee of the sales team of the mentioned organization. This selected individual will ask Pat for describing self-performance, personal situation and any critical obstacles to performance, job satisfaction and feelings. GROW model will be used in this study as an essential tool for enhancing the performance, empathy and listening skill of Pat. According to Caruso and Salovey (2004), emotional intelligence plays a pivotal role in order to ensure excellent communication and to avoid serious conflicts that may influence t he entire business operations of the company. Building Pats Awareness of emotional intelligence weaknesses and strengths Cherniss and Goleman (2001) have mentioned that emotional intelligence provides an adequate ability to understand, recognize and manage own emotions and emotions of other employees of the organization. Although Pat consistently achieves the established sales targets with perfect customer service ratings, still thus particular individual encounters some problems in the team performances. Even the team members of Pat cannot rely on this individual as this person fails to communicate with the customers in recent days. However, the major strengths of Pat can be considered the capability of leadership and an excellent communication skill while dealing with the team members. Another important strength of Pat involves the ability to understand own and team members emotional state during the performance of allocated tasks to them. This strength helps Pat to relate and manage the team members in order to achieve a great and predetermined success of the organization. Goleman (2000) has depicte d that emotional intelligence of an employee usually consists of self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and relationship management. On the other hand, the weaknesses of Pat include the failure to promote a great teamwork within the organization, empathy, and self-awareness. Establishing Pats goals and performance gaps using GROW model As Pat can be concerned as a model employee for the other existing employees of Australian Hardware, therefore all of the mentioned weaknesses of this particular individual can be resolved with a proper implication of the GROW model. Goleman (2001) has referred that the GROW model is considered as a performance consultant and it solely deals with the impish link in between the behavior and the coaching skills of the employees for enhancing the performance. As Pat is committed to the responsibility and is goal-driven, therefore, the GROW model will help this individual to be a potential future leader of the organization. The new General Operations Manager of Australian Hardware has a thorough discussion with Pat regarding the performance shortcomings. Goals: To identify and clarify the type of goal Pat intends to achieve To improve performances for increasing the sales revenue and customer retention To provide an understanding of principal aspirations and aims of the organisation Performance gaps: As opined by Druskat et al., (2013), performance gap of an employee suggests the link in between the required performance from the employees and the actual performance of an employee within an organization. Figure 1: Performance gap (Source: Zeidneret al., 2012) The performance gap of Pat may influence the improvement of customer services and loyalty. The balanced scorecard system of Australian Hardware clearly denotes the performance gaps of Pat. From Pats balanced scorecard, it can be seen that this individual fails to reach to the desired target of the organization. Pat fails to meet the target in every aspects of the organization, such as the financial, customer focus, internal processes and managing employees. The identified performance gap of Pat involves the real gap in between the expectation from the person and the performance of Pat to reach the organizational success and goals. The performance gap of this individual can affect the sales revenue of Australian Hardware as Pat fails to communicate with the clients in proper manner; therefore, it has great impact on the customer retention policies of the concerned company. Only after identifying the personal obstacles, the GROW model will help Pat to achieve the desired goals and impr ove the peer relationships with the cooperation of every team member. Discussion of the reasonable options The new General Operations Manager of Australia Hardware should provide various options to Pat in order to reach the professional, team and personal goals. According to Goleman et al., (2013), GROW model plays an important role in assessing the present situation in order to take effective actions. The particular manager will clarify both the results and effects of the previous activities completed by Pat for getting a comprehensive overview of his level of performance. Pat should understand the internal blocks and obstacles in order to prevent or limit the gradual process of progression. The options include a precise identification of the alternatives and possibilities to complete the allocated tasks. Parmenter (2015) has suggested that various strategies, such as implication of modern technology in performance improvement plan and effective leadership skills are required for further progression of the employees. Pat only fulfills the internal process targets in perfect manner and fa ils to meet the financial, employee retention and customer evaluation. All of the possible options can be suggested to Pat only after a thorough analyzing and assessing the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of the individual. The General Operations Manager of the concerned company helps Pat to understand the learning process for achieving the established initial goals. After that, there should be a systematic step for planning the actions and implementing the steps. Establishing Pats willingness to improve performance It requires a firm commitment from Pat in order to improve the performance and to help to build a perfect team environment. Murphy (2014) has mentioned that emotional intelligence provides adequate importance of maintain perfect emotional relationships, to create respects and rusts for aligning the team members. Emotional intelligence will improve the soft skills, such as the active listening skills of Pat. This will also help to maintain a fair relationship both with the senior management and with the team members. Pat reveals his willingness to join the emotional intelligence program for improving performance. As Pat possess a great capability of being a potential future leader, therefore, emotional intelligence will motivate this particular individual to motivate and engage for achieving the predetermined goals. Ryback (2012) has determined that emotional intelligence clearly leads to the personal achievement, professional success and happiness. Even emotional intelligence deepens the empathy of the employees, as it possesses a perfect capacity for sensing the feelings of the other employees. The ability of using the soft skills determines the level of emotional intelligence of Pat. Pat requires a relevant coaching session on emotional intelligence in order to learn the process of improvement of the tasks. The GROW model plays an essential role of coaching planner for Pat. Conclusion The General Operations Manager of Australian Hardware asks relevant questions to help Pat for generating opportunities and options. Those identified options should be achievable for fulfilling the performance gaps and both personal and organizational goals. Emotional intelligence will help Pat to improve performance within a concrete and time-bound measurement. With the proper emotional intelligence, Pat can build effective team collaboration and trusts, which are essential factors for being a potential leader. Therefore, this study truly reflects the importance of emotional intelligence on enhancing the employee performance. Reference Caruso, D. R. Salovey, P., (2004). The emotionally intelligent manager: how to develop and use the four key emotional skills of leadership, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. Cherniss, C. Goleman, D. (Eds), (2001). The emotionally intelligent workplace: how to select for, measure and improve emotional intelligence in individuals, groups and organisations, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. Goleman, D., (2000). Working with emotional intelligence, Bantam Books, New York. Goleman, D., (2001). An EI-based theory of performance, in C. Cherniss and D. Goleman (Eds), The emotionally Intelligent workplace: how to select for, measure and improve emotional intelligence in individuals, groups and organisations, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R., McKee, A. (2013).Primal leadership: Unleashing the power of emotional intelligence. Harvard Business Press. Druskat, V. U., Mount, G., Sala, F. (2013).Linking emotional intelligence and performance at work: Current research evidence with individuals and groups. Psychology Press. Zeidner, M., Matthews, G., Roberts, R. D. (2012).What we know about emotional intelligence: How it affects learning, work, relationships, and our mental health. MIT press. Ryback, D. (2012).Putting emotional intelligence to work. Routledge. Murphy, K. R. (2014).A critique of emotional intelligence: what are the problems and how can they be fixed?. Psychology Press. Parmenter, D. (2015).Key performance indicators: developing, implementing, and using winning KPIs. John Wiley Sons.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Mythology- Romulus And Remus Essays - Roman Mythology,

Mythology- Romulus and Remus Mythology- Romulus and Remus A myth is a complex cultural phenomenon that can be approached from a number of viewpoints ("Mythology"). Mythological creatures are usually developed to explain something or to give a reason why something exists. Most Gods have a supernatural power or force, which makes them a God. Some mythological heroes are known as divinities, for the great things they have done. Romulus and Remus are two of the most well known mythological divinities, they were born of a vestal virgin, and they were the mythological founders of Rome. Of all mythological creatures Romulus is one of the better known. They were seen as the mythological creators of Rome. The citizens of Rome worshipped Romulus and Remus because they were believed to have created the city. They were made up to explain the mysterious appearance of Rome. Overall they are two of the most famous mythological creations. Romulus and Remus were born into an unforeseen set of circumstances. They were born of the Vestal Virgin, Rhea and the God of war, Mars. King Amulius sent them down the Tiber River so he would be able to deny their death, but they did not die. They were found by a she-wolf and a bird that fed and nurtured them to health. They were later found by a shepard, Faustulas, who brought them home to his wife Acca. Faustulas and Acca then raised them until they were strong adults. Romulus and Remus were made up to explain the creation of Rome. Romulus and Remus founded the city of Rome on the place where they were to be drowned (Rosenburg 113). To name the town, since neither one was older they decided to split up and see who saw the first sign. "Six vultures, the bird of Mars, flew over Remus's head, moments later twelve vultures flew over Romulus's head. Romulus was the true victor"("Mythology: Romulus"). The city Rome was named after Romulus (Jay 60). A few years later while arguing over plans for the city, Romulus killed Remus. Romulus was the roman leader for forty more years until the Gods killed him. Moreover, they were greatly known and appreciated for what they developed and stood for. These Gods and Goddesses were born, fell in love, fought with one another, and generally behaved like their human worshipers (Littleton 813). The people of Rome made up these creatures to give them answers but at the same time they gave the world one more great story. Romulus and Remus were strong heroes who built a great divinity out of nothing. In conclusion, Romulus and Remus were great names in mythology, were abandoned at birth and were the creators of the great city of Rome.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Write an Economics Essay on the Inca Empire

How to Write an Economics Essay on the Inca Empire We have talked about the interesting facts of the Inca Empire, gave you a plethora of topics and finally, we gave you a sample essay as well. We hope all that should have prepared you to decide what you want to write about. Now that you know what you want to do, let’s talk about how you can do it. Here are our tips which can help you write an economics essay on the Inca Empire: Read the Reference Material.  Every time you’ll be told to write an economics related essay, you’ll be given a lot of reading material by your teacher. Going through them might seem mundane and tiresome, but it will help you greatly in writing your essay. We recommend that you at least go through the in-lecture-notes or the curriculum book. Go the Extra Mile.  When you are writing an economic essay on the Inca Empire, it is important that you go the extra mile for information. As mentioned, don’t just take information from your own book but search for interesting facts and figures, which can be found on the internet. Remember, the richer and more informative your essay, the better the grade which you will score. Know What You’re Doing.  Too often do people make a mistake as simple as misunderstanding the topic. We recommend that when you’re given the title of the essay, make sure you go through all of its requirements. It’s better to put yourself through this even if the topic seems simple enough, because even if you hand in the greatest essay that anyone has ever written, and it’s off topic, then your effort will go to waste. Make Sure There Is Enough Material.  Facts and figures should dominate your essay. Make sure there is enough relevant material, and that your main points are not overshadowed. Make sure you go past the bare minimum. Reading the reference material and quoting. The essay will not be as impactful as when you put in material from various books. Showcase Your Command of the Topic.  It is extremely essential that the person checking your essay understands that you have a certain command over the topic. Do not hold back and after you’re done, make sure the information inside reflects your knowledge on the matter. If you are not careful with this, you will get a bad grade and that will be very unlucky and frustrating. Make It Presentable.  It is very important that the material in your essay is relevant, what’s even more important is the way it is formatted. Keep the sentences articulated and make sure there are no repetitions. There should be a proper introduction and a conclusion. It is also important that you systematically segment your essay so it is easier to read. State Your Points Clearly.  Do not hang your essay on the edge, pick a side and speculate in a dominant tone. Indecisive arguments reflect badly upon your general research. Keep the sentences short and use your commas and full-stops in a correct way. Follow the Rules.  There will be constraints and limitations set by your professor and you will have to follow them. Most of them will be about how the essay should be formatted and how referencing should be made. One universal tip that we can give you is that you should never plagiarize your work because every educational and academic institute has all kinds of punishments up for it. Word limits should also be respected. Referencing.  Check with your professor about what kind of referencing method he\she is looking for. Referencing is extremely important because it helps the reader to do more research and it also compliments the original writer of the content. You can use various online citation generators if you have the website link or book’s ISBN number. Here is an example of a website being cited in APA: Tips for writing economics essays. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2016, from economicshelp.org/help/tips-economic-essays/ By the end of this article, and the ones before it, you’ll be able to know how to research, fixate on a topic and write an essay. We wish you all the best.

Friday, November 22, 2019

New SAT Essay Prompts How Are They Changing

New SAT Essay Prompts How Are They Changing SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The CollegeBoard has once again completely revamped the SAT - the changes debuted in March 2016 (tests can have debuts right? Right). We have an overview about all of the changes that have been made, but how do the changes apply to the SAT essay questions in particular? Read on to find out more about the new SAT Writing prompts.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Homework1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Homework1 - Essay Example In addition, it has opened the country for more foreign investment despite local opposition. This move differs with the way the US government handles infrastructure in its country. The US government invested heavily in its local infrastructure making every part of the country available for trade (Sharma & Mukherji, 2013). c. The Indian government is trying to control the level of involvement of foreign investors in the local trade. This system tries to benefit the local people as the government works to their interest. On the other hand, the system has harmed foreign investors as they find it difficult to access the produce despite the amount of resources at their disposal (Sharma & Mukherji, 2013). d. Wal-Mart would be good for India because of its experience in procuring produce from the small farmers in upgrading a poor supply chain. It has shown success in many countries including Mexico, China, and Brazil (Sharma & Mukherji, 2013). a. There has been constant pressure that resulted to low price on Chinas products. Since the US does not pay an extra amount to cater for a clean production system, China producers do not include cleaning cost in their production (Spencer, 2007). b. With a high production cost, there would a high pricing on an item. However, with a market that requires low pricing on goods despite the cost of production, the company would lower its production cost to match the market price. Instead of spending to treat the wastes, the Chinese producers opt to releasing it in the rivers, reducing production cost (Spencer, 2007). a. Internet connection is expensive for some families who have to meet other needs. Despite this, rise in technology has taken root in education, being a disadvantage to those students without an internet connection (Troianovski,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Case Study Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

Case Study Report - Essay Example Multinational companies have realised that human resource management is important as it provides global strategies that would help in managing the workforce, thus gain success and a significant market share in foreign countries (Shah et al. 2012: 28). This paper will explore globalisation and internationalisation of business firms, the structures and strategies of multinational companies and how they influence human resource management. Globalisation is a concept that has been in existence for many years. Multinational corporations emerged as a result of globalisation. In order to ensure that their businesses run smoothly, multinational corporations have developed different strategies in line with their different structures. These strategies influence human resource management to carry out different activities regarding to the recruitment, selection, training and performance of the workforce. These strategies bring some benefits and limitations to the organisation. This paper will discuss the preceding issues relating to multinational corporations and human resource management (Barber and Alegre, 2010: 11). The term globalisation has different meanings in reference to different contexts, and in this situation it refers to the quick, uninterrupted inter-border flow of technology, services, money, information, goods, ideas, and cultures all over the globe. Through globalisation firms are able to operate in many countries, utilising local and foreign labour, capital and technology, marketing, management skills and therefore, becoming Multinational corporations. Firms internationalise to look for markets, exploit firm-specific advantages and to gain access to various factors of production, labour being a key factor. Multinational corporations utilise local and foreign work forces, therefore, require an effective human resource management that will successfully manage the workforce and ensure productivity. Multinational

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Rizal Life Essay Example for Free

Rizal Life Essay The Jesuits, on the other hand, were with him practically every minute of the time, six priests going in relays, usually two at a time, in an attempt to bring about Rizals conversion. They have written the only complete story about his last day. Their earliest account was published in Spain in 1897; it is found in chapter seventeen of a book called La Masonizacion de Filipinas, Rizal y su Orba, printed by Tipografica Catolica of Barcelona. The author is anonymous but is thought to have been Father Pastalls. 03) In starting chapter seventeen he says: We will relate the fascinatingly interesting incidents as furnished to us from a new unedited and authentic account received from Manila. The account deals so largely with Father Balaguer, that it probably depended upon the notes Father Balaguer said he kept. (04) How far can we rely upon the accuracy and fairness of this book? Fortunately, we have a means of judging it. The first sixteen chapters deal with the life of Rizal which we have already studied. It says he was a model youth until he went to Europe to study medicine. There he joined Masonic lodges where he heard Republicans declare, Liberty should be demanded with bullets and not on ones knees. Ideas like this turned him into a fierce revolutionist. The book finds not a single wrong in the Philippines; but finds several governor-generals too lenient! It says that the liberal Governor Terrero was so weak that the religious orders had to hound him out of the Islands. 05) Governor General [Valeriano] Weyler (the bloody Weyler of Cuba) was an ideal governor who knew how to attack with firmness the evils permitted in the time of the weak Terrero. To use his graphic phrase he sucked out the brains of those he captured, so that the insurrection could not raise its head nor Masonry make any gains (06) . . . If only Rizal had remained in the Philippines and studied agriculture he would not have become the scandalizer and corruptor of his people. (07) The book strikes that note throughout, concerning Rizal and his most miserable work. (08) He was completely wrong, Spain beautifully right, but too mild at times; not injustice, but Masonry and Germany led Rizal to write his books indeed, most of the conclusions are diametrically opposite to the truth. One is prepared by this distortion of facts to be on his guard in reading the chapter on Rizals last day. Father Pio Pi, who succeeded Father Pastells, and was head of the Jesuit order in 1896, but not personally acquainted with Rizal, wrote a little book in 1909, calledLa Muerte Christiana de Doctor Rizal. 09) This follows the anonymous book of 1897 closely, often quoting word for word, but adding other details. (10) Father Balaguer, who says he secured Rizals retraction, signed (11) a sworn statement in 1917 in which he says: If anyone judges that I could not remember so many details, after twenty years, I may say that the same day in which Rizal died I wrote a very detailed story, the entire original of which I saved, and I have borrowed from it to make the present statement. All three writers evidently depend upon the notes of Father Balaguer for the most disputed part of the story. 12) Because the controversy as to whether Rizal did retract is so intense, it will be interesting to read the essential portions of the narrative, in an effort to get at the truth. It was what Retana calls El Dia Supremo for the Jesuits. They had worked with Rizal for four years without visible results. Following a well-conceived and well-executed plan, the government had touched his heart with the sufferings of his relatives, with exasperating espionage, with alternating laxity and severity, with heart-breaking disappointments, with loneliness, while the Jesuit fathers tried to win him with kindness and arguments. They had apparently failed. Now they had twenty-four hours or never! Father Pio Pi writes that the Archbishop showed great eagerness for the conversion of the man sentenced to death, and granted us all his authority to do whatever might be necessary. He directed us also to prepare a retraction, in the hope that the condemned man might be willing to accept and sign it; and we agreed to do so and to present it for his approval. . . . As usual, the Jesuits went at their task with tremendous fervor. From seven oclock of December 29, when Rizal was notified of his sentence, until he fell dead, there were few moments when they were not with him, coming in pairs and marshalling every means they could think of to play upon his emotions, to appeal to his reason, and to terrify him when other methods failed. Rizals statue: The Sacred Heart of Christ The rector of the Ateneo, Father Miguel Saderra Mata, and one of the professors, Father Luis Viza, took with them an image of the Sacred Heart of Christ, which Rizal had carved when he was a student in the Ateneo. Look, said the Father, how the heart of Jesus has been here twenty years waiting for Rizal. It wishes to convert him. Pi says that Rizal took it and put it on his table, where it remained until after his execution. Then Father Antonio Rosell was with the prisoner for awhile, and returned with a bad impression; he believed from what he heard that the man was a Protestant. Father [Federico] Faura also visited him that morning. Riz al asked as soon as he entered, Do you recall, Father, the last time we talked and what you foretold? It has come to pass. You are a prophet; I am going to die on the scaffold. Padre Faura could not subdue that spirit, still rebelling against the appeals of grace; so much so that the Father retired broken up with grief. From Rizal y su Obra (13) comes an account which sounds true, for there could have been no object in inventing the story: Father Balaguer returned to the chapel to discuss the religious question with the prisoner. The symptoms were very sad; there was little hope. In the morning when he had been given a medal of the Holy Virgin, he took it, probably from courtesy, and said coldly: I am a little Marian. Unfortunate man! To such an extreme, because of his error, had the former secretary of the Marian Congregation fallen. And yet he did not desire to abandon Her whom he had formerly served with filial love. Concerning religion, Rizal began to speak with reverence of God, of our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Holy Gospel, and of the Sacred Scriptures; he said that he prayed, and that he was always asking God for light, as his only wish was to fulfill his Holy Will. . He seemed like a fervent probationer. But observing that his statements were those that a Protestant would make, Father Balaguer narrowed him down to concrete and categorical questions, which showed that Rizal did not admit the authority of the Roman church nor of the Pontificate, and held as his rule of faith, the Scriptures as interpreted by his judgment, in short that he seemed to be guided by a Protestant criterion, but mixed in reality with free thinking and a strange piety. Father Balaguer, who had been with Rizal inDapitan, is the man who claims that he secured the retraction. We will let him tell his own story as to how he did it: I, who knew the history of his errors and what his books contain, in order to carry out our delicate mission, asked Rizal to explain his ideas about religion. He showed at once that he was a Protestant by certain phrases in which he manifested love and respect for Jesus Christ; but he told me more or less explicitly that the rule of faith was the word of God contained in the Sacred Scriptures; . . He told me that he was guided by the reason which God had given him, adding with a self assurance that froze the blood, that he could go to appear before the judgment seat of God, tranquilly as one who has done his duty as a rational man. In attacking him, I then began with arguments of the Catholic doctrine to expose the objections, a thousand times refuted, of the heretics and rationalists, and we argued about the criteria and rule of faith, the authority of the church, its infallibility and divine authority. . . nd many points in ap ologetics. But with all this, says Father Pio Pi, the poor condemned man was not convinced. So far had he lost his faith, and so proud was his self-conceit that he would not admit light nor law into his limited vision. . . With very good tact Father Balaguer tried him out, and giving a sudden turn in the conversation, exclaimed: (14) So, at the judgment seat of God, before whom we must appear, you will be unpardonably condemned forever, if you do not bring your intellect into subjection to faith. Whereupon, says Father Balauger, (15) at hearing this threat of mine, the tears sprang to his eyes, and he replied, No, no, I will not be condemned! Yes, I replied, you will go to hell; for whether you like it or not, extra Ecclesiam Catholicam nulla datur salus. Yes, outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation . . . Agitated at this chiding, he said to me: See here, Father, if I should comply with your request and sign what you propose, without feeling it, I would be a hypocrite and would offend God. Certainly, I said, I do not desire that. But do you not believe that it is the greatest grief for me to see a person whom I love, obstinate in his error, to see that he will be damned and not to be able to help him? We value you so highly, believe me, that we would give our blood and our lives if we could achieve your salvation. Right now we would offer ourselves to be shot in your place. But Father, he replied with feeling. What would you have me do, for I do not think I could conquer my reason. Offer yourself, I answered. Offer to God the sacrifice of your self-esteem, and even though it should be contrary to the voice of reason, ask God for the grace of faith, which is a gift of God, which he offers in abundance, and which is infallibly obtained with humble and persevering prayer. The only trouble is that you reject it. Good then, Father, he said, I promise you that the rest of my life I will use asking God for the grace of faith. . . . Father Balaguer continues: For a better understanding of the events of that day, I think it best to relate them in order. Father Vilaclara (now dead) and I arrived at Fort Santiago about ten in the morning. After being received by Rizal, the discussion with him began as related above. At twelve I went to the Palace to tell the Archbishop what had happened, as he had requested, and I had to say that up to that time the condemned man had remained obstinate in his errors and ideas contrary to the Catholic faith. Upon hearing this, the Archbishop, in his ardent zeal for the conversion of Dr. Rizal, at once sent a circular to all the religious communities of Manila, that they should plead for the conversion of the condemned man. In all of them there was fervent prayer, and in some of them there were offered for this purpose many penances, celebrating the Holy Sacrament. At three in the afternoon or a little later I returned to the Fort where Father Vilaclara had remained, and continued the discussion with Dr. Rizal. This lasted until evening, stopping at the point which I indicated above. I then went with Father Viza to the [Archbishops] palace, to give an account of the condition of the condemned man and to express hope for his conversion. While Father Balaguer was gone, Father Pio Pis account tells us that Rizal became restless and asked Father Vilaclara to hear his confession. The later told him that it would be necessary first to make a retraction, for which purpose he should await the formula which the Prelate had promised to furnish. . . At ten in the evening he was given [by Father Balaguer] the long formula of retraction which had been written by order of the Prelate. . . The inner fight had not yet ceased, and though his spirit was more humble, it was not wholly conquered. . . The wording did not suit him, both because of its length and because the style was not clear. See here, Father, he said, even though I should sign this, nobody would believe that it was mine. You know my style, that it is very clear. Bring me a pen and you dictate what I ought to say. Then Father Balaguer began to dictate the other formula, which had already been approved by the Archbishop, much briefer, though expressive and decisive, which, after offering some objections, he accepted in its entirety, only asking to interject on his own initiative a few brief phrases, which only add expression and courage to the document.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Hamlet and Laertes: Pawns of the King :: Essays Papers

Hamlet and Laertes: Pawns of the King 1 In Shakespeare’s play Hamlet [Titles] the actions of Laertes and Hamlet are the focal point of the play. They are the sons of major characters who must have grown up together in Elsinore castle, and known each other for years. Laertes warns his sister Ophelia about continuing a relationship with Hamlet because of his royal obligations. The tragic deaths of their father’s [No '] forces them both to seek revenge at all costs. They learn that pursuing revenge is a dark way to travel and it cost them their lives. 2 Hamlet and Laertes are both close and loving sons. The emotional outbreak of shock from Hamlet as his father’s ghost told of his most unnatural murder (Act 1 Scene 5 Line 25). [Frag -1] His father’s ghost had confirmed Hamlet’s suspicions (Act 1 Scene 5 Line 42). Hamlet seems to have a deep[ly] felt loss for his father that can only come from love for his father. The love for his father is twisted later by rage. Laertes is much loved by Polonius, as he leaves for his ship back to France, Polonius gives him a torrent of fatherly advice and his love (Act 1 Scene 3 Lines 55-80). [CS -1] Polonius and Ophelia give him a warm good-bye: they are a close family. 3 Ophelia is a point of contention for both Hamlet and Laertes. Hamlet has been attracted to Ophelia and she to him (Act 1 Scene 3 Line 100). Ophelia is very much attracted to Hamlet and has been told by Polonius to discourage him. Laertes loves Ophelia as a sister and warns her of Hamlet’s show of affection toward her, reminding her of his royal role (Act 1 Scene 3 Lines 10-42). Hamlet and Laertes care for the girl[,] and her feelings for both of them are dangerous for her. Ophelia’s mind is torn apart by Hamlet’s rage against his mother as he turned his frustration on her, telling her to get herself to a nunnery (Act 3 Scene 1 Line 120). The sight of Ophelia’s madness when he returned, melts Laertes’s heart and deepens his need for revenge (Act 4 Scene 6 Line 185). 4 Laertes[,] as Polonius’s son[,] could not imagine being disloyal to the king.

Monday, November 11, 2019

New Product Marketing Plan Essay

In the continuation of the product marketing plan for Tress Express, the completion of the market segmentation will allow for further development of the necessary elements to introduce the product line into today’s market. As such, the detailing of the business’ target market profile key buying behaviors and organizational target markets will shed light on the potential customers and the methods behind their reasoning for seeking out such products. Along with the management of the Product Life Cycle (PLC), as well as the product mix and positioning statement for Tress Express, this second part of the product marketing plan will expand upon elements of marketing. Target Market Profiles Millions of people worldwide are affected by hair loss or thinning. According to Statisticbrian.com (2014), approximately 56 million men and women experience hair loss. Estimates indicate that by the age of 60, 65% of men and 80% of women will experience noticeable hair loss or thinning. Statistics indicate that as men and women age, the likelihood of hair loss increases. For those not affected by thinning or loss will usually experience graying hair over time. Tress Express Products line of emergency cosmetic hair care solutions targets aging adults affected by hair thinning, loss, and graying. Tress Express Products customers are concerned with health, energy, and wellness. They look for quick fixes that provide instant improvement. They are open to new products that save them time, make life easier, and are cost effective. Tress Express Products customers are motivated by their current life stage rather than their age. Service and low-price items are valued by them. They are less sensitive to prestige. If they feel they are purchasing a superior product at a good value they are less price conscious. Product Life Cycle Four stages exist in the product life cycle: introduction, growth, mature, and declining stage (What is Your Product Life Cycle, 2014). Each of the stages consists of action the businesses take to introduce, manufactures, and market the product to consumers. The first stages starts with product development into the consumer market. During the introduction stage, the business launches the product into the market while providing special consideration to pricing, market segmentation, branding, and promotional requirements (What is Your Product Life Cycle, 2014). Growth follows introduction as the second stage to product life cycle. During the growth stage, the company attempts to increase market share by expanding the target audience, increase product awareness, and enter additional markets (What is Your Product Life Cycle, 2014). The third stage consists of maturity. Rick Suttle characterizes maturity as the saturated stage in the product life cycle process. During the maturity stage, the competition for market share becomes fierce. Businesses adopt alternative business strategies such as lowering product prices, adding additional products into the market, or add new features into the existing product (Suttle, 2014). The decline stage completes the product life cycle process. During the decline stage, the product becomes obsolete and irrelevant. The company can either add new features to the product to entice customer to return or discontinue production. The demand for hair loss treatment products has increased over the years. The increasing demand presents an opportunity for a company to introduce a new product into the market. However, introducing a new product into the market presents various challenges for a business especially if the industry has a leading product provider such as Rogaine. The company needs to plan and monitor the life cycle process to ensure product longevity. Following the four stages of product life cycle with special consideration to product, place, price, and promotion provides a guide to ensure a position and sufficient share in the market. Introducing a hair loss product into the market serves a vital role to the company’s success. The plan requires aggressive medical research, testing, and promotion to ensure product meets consumer expectations. The company needs to focus on product differentiation to distinguish the product from its competitors. Furthermore, the company needs to conduct price comparison with leading  competitors to establish the selling price. The price needs to accommodate the targeted consumer in the introduction phase. Furthermore, the promotion of the product requires an aggressive approach by incorporating multi-media means such as social networking, media advertising, and printing. Growing market shares extends the life of the product. The product life cycle characterized growth as the expansion of the product. The company can accomplish growth by either extending product awareness through additional promotional objectives or expanding product qualities. However, the company needs to examine before undertaking endeavors intended to increase growth. The endeavors may increase the cost of the product that will translate to price increase that will have a negative effect to revenues. During the maturity stage the market becomes saturated with other competitors. If the market demands remained constant and suppliers increases, the demand for company’s hair loss product may decrease. During this stage, the company needs to undertake drastic changes in order to prevent decline. The company needs to reinvest on research and development to introduce new products or increase product differentiation. Furthermore, the company needs to increase its consumer reach or lower the price without compromising the quality of the product to gain market advantage over its competitors. The decline stage ends the product life cycle process. During the decline stage, the company re-invents its product to gain any possible momentum. A study of the market also serves vital to determine if the market remain profitable. The company can end its product manufacturing during the decline stage and sells remaining products in preparation for the end. Product Offering Tress Express Products offers low cost emergency cosmetic hair care solutions. Tress Express currently offers three products to combat gray hair. The Gray Blaster Pen, a gray cover up applicator pen, Gray Away Hair Spray conceals thin spots, and Hairline Concealer kit fills in the hairline with the use of makeup brushes and a palette of hair concealer powders. Tress Express is introducing a new hair dye product called Gray Away Henna Dye. Gray Away Henna Dye is an all-natural hair dye that bonds with your hair and specialty herbs condition the hair and scalp. This product will be available in six hair colors. The hair colors will be black, light brown,  red, auburn, blonde, and dark brown. Developing a natural hair dye product, will appeal to the eco-friendly consumers. The branding will be consistent with the current products developed by Tress Express Product to include logo and company tag line. The Gray Away Henna Dye will be packaged in a box featuring the hair color contained within the box. The box will also emphasize the â€Å"All-Natural† tagging. This product is along the lines of competitive or substitute henna dyes on the market, but Tress Express’s henna dye is safe to mix with other colors and nourishes as it colors. No warranties or guarantees will be offered. This product will provide another low cost option to our emergency cosmetic hair care solutions. Positioning Statement and Justification Thinning and balding hair is a natural occurrence that affects both men and women of all ages. Tress Express caters to everyone who faces hair loss challenges. Tress Express is the first choice for emergency hair solutions. Tress Express is positioned as the premier hair emergency solution that provides quick and easy hair balding products that are cost effective. Tress Express hair care products provide the simplest and most cost effective solutions for thinning hair. Tress Express was created to assist both men and women with achieving their best look. With Tress Express anyone can eliminate embarrassment in an instant. Tress Express will help to create a polished impeccable image for all of its customers. With Tress Express in seconds your appearance will make a lasting impression. Tress Express prides itself on restoring a youthful look and boosting confidence through concealing problem spots for both men and women. Our products can help anyone achieve the appearance of full natural looking hair. References Statisticbrian.com 2014. Hair Loss Statistics. Retrieved from http://www.statisticbrain.com/hair- loss-statistics/ Suttle, R. 2014. Four Stages of a Product Life Cycle. Retrieved on November 2, 2014 from: http://www.ehow.com/info_8123597_four-stages-product-life-cycle.html What is Your Product Life Cycle. 2014. Retrieved on November 2, 2014 from: http://www.more-for-small-business.com/product-life-cycle.html

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Monster Cannot Be Created Essay

Do Humans have freewill or are they products of their environment? Everyone is different, everyone lives a different life, which factor cause a person to be the way they are nature or nurture? In Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein human nature causes Victor Frankenstein to become the real monster of the novel.  First of all let’s start out by analyzing Victor’s childhood. Victor came from a renowned family in Geneva. â€Å"I am by birth a Genevese, and my family is one of the most distinguished of that republic† (page 17). Also along with this he was born into a family full of love, in fact he was given almost all of the attention and love from his parents. â€Å"Much as they were attached to each other, they seemed to draw inexhaustible stores of affection from a very mine of love to bestow them upon me.† (page 19). So Nurture can not be held responsible for Victor’s monstrous persona, it must be because of nature. This shows that people have a predetermined personality, but this also shows certain parts of person’s personality can be reveled and or amplified due to changes in their environment. An example of this would be Alphonse Frankenstein’s disapproval of Victor’s scientific interests. Consequently forcing Victor into solitude, and revealing his obsessive tendencies. This is because Victor feels the need to measure the onward race for achievement against the yardstick of benefit to the human community. As a result of this human nature causes Victor to become a monster. Various factors influenced the development of Victor Frankenstein. For example, Victors unsupervised reading and education. This illustrates Victor’s natural obsession for knowledge. This shows the value of the human fulfillment of the pursuit of knowledge, and the importance of individual creative effort. Another example would be the immoral desertion of his creation. This shows that Victor cares little about anyone else’s interests and wellbeing. This is because Victor is extremely narcissistic and fails to assume responsibility for his relationship with others. Another case in point is the actual creation of a living human being. This shows that Victor has an innate passion for pushing the envelope of modern sciences. This helps illustrate the value of the need to measure the onward race for achievement against the yardstick of benefit to the human community. As a result Victor has a fascination for bending the laws of human nature. It seems a part of Victor’s personality goes into his creation. If you look closely at the novel you can see that there is a direct link between Victor Frankenstein and his monster, almost as if the two are doubles. For example, all of the murders Victor’s creation commits, could it be that Victor actually wants these people to be killed? Could Victor’s creation actually be another other side of him, much like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? â€Å"I considered the being whom I had cast among mankind, and endowed with the will and power to effect purposes of horror, such as the deed which he had now done, nearly in the light of my own vampire, my own spirit let loose from the grave, and forced to destroy all that was dear to me.† (page 61) Look at people that were murdered, Henry Clerval, Victor’s closest friend since childhood. He is Victors intellectual opposite, and quite possibly his rival for success. William, the more charming and spirited sibling, â€Å"when he smiles [William] two little dimples appear on each cheek, which are rosy with health. He has already had one or two little wives†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (page 56).  And what else could explain Victor’s judgment for not protecting Elizabeth from the monster. Victor is entirely aware that the monster will only kill the people close to him, and he is clearly warned that the monster will be with him on his wedding night, â€Å"It is well. I go; but remember, I shall be with you on your wedding-night.† (page 153 ). Does he tell Elizabeth, does he tell anyone what he knows? Absolutely not. The only time he tells anyone about his monster and its correlation with the murders is after everyone is already murdered. Coincidence? Some might argue that Victor’s creation is the real monster in the story because of free will. This is a valid argument but not necessarily true. Yes, it’s true that the monster had free will and that it was his decision to murder those people, but you have to understand the position the monster was in. He was abandoned by Victor as soon as he was created, and he was looked at as a hideous beast by anyone who laid eyes upon him. He was not given an equal opportunity to find acceptance among people because of his appearance, not because of his actions. An example of this is when he tries to save a young girl from drowning. He rescues the young girl, but as soon as someone else sees what is happening he automatically assumes that he is trying to murder the young girl. â€Å"The whole village was mused; some fled, some attacked me, until, grievously bruised by stones and many other kinds of missile weapons, I escaped to the open country, and fearfully took refuge in a low hovel, quite bare, and making a wretched appearance after the palaces I had beheld in the village.† (page 91). What people forget is that the monster was created by Victor which is not a natural occurrence; therefore the rules of nature do not apply to him. The monster is the way he is because of how Victor created him. The only difference between the two is that the creation was not accepted in his environment, thus bringing out a hidden persona.  A monster can not just be created; a monster comes from within the creator, and in the end Victor’s creation becomes his death. â€Å"Blasted as thou wert, my agony was still superior to thine; for the bitter sting of remorse will not cease to rankle in my wounds until death shall close them for ever.† (page 205).

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Analytical Essay Sample on Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Analytical Essay Sample on Lord of the Flies by William Golding Lord of the Flies by William Golding was written just after World War II. It is the classic story of a group of boys stranded on an island attempting to build a society. The Lord of the Flies has faced its share of criticism from many writers. One such writer, R.C. Townsend, criticizes Golding’s work in â€Å"The Lord of the Flies: Fool’s Gold†. Townsend argues that children should not be reading Golding’s work because his views on the defects of human nature are ludicrous. Also, he argues that Golding contradicts his main theme in the conclusion of novel. Despite Townsend’s criticism, Lord of the Flies should be a required reading because it expresses the opinions of many people who have lived through World War II. One of Townsend’s main points was that The Lord of the Flies attempts to convert children to Golding’s way of thinking. He says about Golding, â€Å"he is†¦exploiting the thousands of students who are committed to the book† (2). Townsend truly believes that if a person is young and unwise he/she will take on the views of the author that he/she reads. In addition, he believes that the people who assign the book to students are guilty like Golding for sending out the wrong messages. He says, â€Å"teachers of literature and political science†¦have contributed greatly. It is they, after all, who assign the book and it seems that the book was first read (and still is read) as a required reading† (2). Teachers can assign the book because students should be able to analyze whether the thesis is correct or not. Townsend’s criticism fails to consider several important points. The Lord of the Flies does not necessarily cause students to have a negative view of the human race. Once one reaches a certain age he/she develops his/her own opinions. Some, like Golding, believe that one is prone to violence, while others believe that with some direction one can be naturally good. Also, Townsend fails to acknowledge that the book is not assigned to young students. It is a required reading, when one is able to comprehend the main theme of the book and determine whether it is right or wrong. Furthermore, Townsend’s point that any book or magazine brainwashes a student is ridiculous. For example history at LHS teaches us about the communist perspective. We learn that government controls production in a society that teaches group interest over self interest. A student at LHS does not necessarily support the ideals of communism after reading about it. Almost everything a person reads will mo st definitely be written in a slanted point of view. Townsend fails to see that students are vulnerable to the views of elders, which is not true. Another main point made by Townsend was that Golding’s conclusion to Lord of the Flies did not support his thesis. Golding’s thesis was that man is naturally born with defects, prone to violence and corruption. The conclusion occurrs when the savage boys, led by Jack and Roger, chase Ralph attempting to kill him while burning down the island. While Ralph runs his life he maintains a panicky feeling as his heart pumps a thousand times per second when all of a sudden, out of the blue, he runs into a naval officer. The naval officer claims to have seen the smoke from the savage fire, indicating rescue. Townsend is clearly dissatisfied with the ending. In his editorial he points out, â€Å"We are still relieved that the book ends†¦far less unhappily than it might have had Golding either carried its fable out to the conclusion that would be most natural to it or followed the implications of his thesis to the end†(3). According to Townsend, the best way for Goldin g to support his conclusion would be to carry out the ending letting Ralph die. Because Ralph continues to live, he prevents more attackings by the savages, which contradicts Golding’s thesis that man would be prone to even more violence. On this issue, Townsend makes a valid point. The conclusion does not support the thesis. In the conclusion, Ralph, a good natured boy, runs for his life against the savage boys. To his luck he runs into a British Naval officer. The conclusion raises a battle between good and evil. If good defeats evil, then further violence will be prevented. On the other hand, if evil defeats good, violence is inevitable. According to Golding’s thesis, man is naturally prone to violence. By running into the British naval officer, Ralph defeats the evil in all of the boys when they are reminded of their civilized past in Britain. Ralph prevents further violence, as his life is no longer in danger. The ending to the violence contradicts Golding’s theme that man will naturally be violent. Also the fact that a British naval officer rescues the boys and not a German naval officer coincides with this point. It is another example of how good defeats evil. The British had an alliance with the Allies, who prevented the Germans from militarily or violently conquering the world Golding could have supported his thesis in the conclusion better by showing a continuation of violence with the death of Ralph. J.C. Townsend may criticize every aspect of Golding’s book, but Golding had to do something right in his book, otherwise it would not have been a bestseller. The book maintains the reader’s attention as the novel progresses with a lot of action from the meeting to introduce the idea of the rescue fire to the power struggle between Ralph and Jack. Although Townsend feels that conclusion was dissatisfying because Golding’s thesis was not supported, what conclusion to a novel satisfies a reader? No matter how the writer ends the novel there will always be readers who want a happy ending or readers who want a realistic ending. Furthermore, Townsend points out that Golding wrote a happy ending to his novel. Golding could have wanted to end the novel on a good note without realizing he would cause much controversy. This is one reason Townsend mentions that the book should be banned from schools. On the other hand it is important to read the works of people whose views are much different than ours. Golding lived during a time of war, which could have put the world into a different perspective for him.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Biography of Genghis Khan Essays - Genghis Khan, Western Xia

Biography of Genghis Khan The old world had many great leaders. Alexander the Great, Hannibal and even Julius Caesar met with struggle on their rise to power. Perhaps Genghis Khan was the most significant of all these rulers. To prove that Genghis Khan was the greatest ruler, we must go back to the very beginning of his existence. We must examine such issues as; Genghiss struggle for power/how his life as a child would affect his rule, his personal and military achievements and his conquests. Genghis Khan was originally born as Temujin in 1167. He showed early promise as a leader and a fighter. By 1206, an assembly of Mongolian chieftains proclaimed him Genghis Khan. Which meant Universal or invincible prince. This was a bold move for the assembly. They obviously saw some leadership qualities in Genghis that others didnt. When Genghis Khan was little, his chieftain father poisoned. With no leader left, the tribe abandoned Genghis and his mother. They were left alone for many years to care for themselves. Throughout these years, his family met many hardships such as shortage of food and shortage of money. Though unable to read, Genghis was a very wise man. His mother told him at a very early age the importance of trust and independence. "Remember, you have no companions but your shadow" Grolier Encyclopedia. (1995) CD ROM This quote was to mean to Genghis, dont put to much trust in anyone, trust no one but yourself and if you must go your own way then do so. In 1206, Genghis Khan proclaimed the ruler of Mongolia. Genghis was a very respected leader. Like other leaders he knew what his people wanted. They want everything that is good and nothing that is bad. Genghis knew he could not promise this so instead he pledged to share both the sweet and the bitter of life. Genghis did not want to end up being poisoned like his father so instead he made alliances, and attacked anyone who posed a serious threat. Through this method of leadership, Genghiss army grew to the point where they were unbeatable. Genghis contributed alot of items to the chinese and even western civilizations. Perhaps his greatest contribution was a code of laws that he declared. Since Genghis couldnt read or write, these law were documented by one of his followers. His laws were carried on by people though the many generations to the point of still being in use today. Either as a modification of Genghiss laws or as Genghis had declared them. Genghis Khan promoted the growth of trade between China and Europe. This allowed him to gain essential supplies such as food, weapons and other essential survival materials. Genghis also invented a system similar to the pony express. It was a system in which the horse and rider could silently communicate, a system that is still in use today. Perhaps the greatest gift ever given by Genghis Khan was the gift of language. Genghis was the first ruler to develop a Mongolian language. Genghis Khan was also a military and strategic genius. He structured his army in a unique and interesting fashion. He integrated soldiers from different tribes into one powerful fighting force. This was a brilliant idea. Not only could he have diversity and people who specialize in certain aspects of warfare, but it also inspired loyalty to the mongolian army as a whole rather than to a specific group of people. Genghis used harsh training and strict discipline to create a superior fighting force, he also insured that everyone of his soldiers was well equipped and could easily adopted new warfare tactics. His soldiers were always learning. Whether it be a new tactic Genghis had invented or a new weapon He decided the army would use, his soldiers were coneztly learning. Genghis inspired loyalty by a unique way of promotion. Genghis felt that the best way to gain a loyal following was to promote people on the basis of achievement and not within the family. This did not only inspire a great deal of loyalty but it also made his army better and actually raised the morale of his soldiers. Every soldier gave their life to

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Social media and prisoners assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social media and prisoners assignment - Essay Example This is because, allowing the prisoners to access and use social media is placing the victims and the families of those affected by the crimes at the mercy of the prisoners, for perpetual threatening, insults and further torment. Whenever the victims and the families of the victims encounter the faces of the prisoners who offended them on the internet calling for friendship and love, it is a horrifying reminder of the ordeals they suffered on the hands of the offenders. Additionally, allowing the prisoners to access and use social media, presents them with an opportunity to seek for their victims and their families online, and continue to torment or threaten them through inappropriate messages (Allisa, 73). For these reasons, those opposed to the prisoners accessing and using social media platforms to access the outside world, holds the opinion that it is only fair to hinder, and illegalize any access of social media by prisoners. Secondly, the critics and those contesting social media access and use by prisoners, hold that such action amounts to opening further avenues for the criminals to continue perpetrating crimes, since by allowing the prisoners to use social media platforms, they can engage in plans to escape from jail, or even organize for the supply of contraband goods into the prisons, or worse still, coordinate further criminal activities through communicating with their partners in the outside world (Jonsson, 1). For example, in May 2000, an inmate from a New York prison who had been sentenced for fraud was found to have masterminded a stock-picking internet fraudulent scheme (Allisa, 74). Further, a case of David Puckett, an in inmate from Texas who befriended and cajoled a Face book friend who eventually assisted him to escape from prison, serves to strengthen the case for those opposed to the access and use of social media by prisoners (Jonsson, 2). Nevertheless, the discussion holds that prisoners should be allowed the access and